The Fight for DREAMers Continues!

Last year SIREN received the news that President Trump was ending the DACA program with shock, anger and sadness. We channeled these feelings into our policy and advocacy work, in the hopes that we could get a permanent legislative solution for DACA recipients.

To our surprise, just a few weeks ago, a court ruling allowed for a re-opening of the DACA renewal process, providing a temporary ray of light in the fight for justice for DREAMers. This has created a small window of time to be able to submit DACA renewals.  

SIREN’s legal team is trying to submit as many DACA renewals as possible before things may change. Although our team is already at capacity in providing legal services to the immigrant community, we are directing all of our energy to ensuring that we can help as many people as possible. We are proud to share that the entire DACA renewal process has been free through SIREN, as we are processing these renewals at no-cost, and ensuring that the $495 application renewal fee is waived.

But we need your help today! In order to be able to continue to provide free legal help with DACA renewal applications, and to cover all the applications fees at no cost to the applicant, SIREN needs your financial support.

Your donation ensures that we can hire additional lawyers to help keep up with the increased demand. We would like to also train additional volunteers to take some of the burden off of our attorneys to lighten their load and provide more capacity to complete applications.

Your donation today can help make a difference in the lives of local DACA recipients, and ensure that they have the support they need to renew their application and continue to fight for a permanent solution.

Will you please make a donation today to help SIREN help DACA renewal applicants today? Donate here.  Thank you for your continued support.

In community spirit,

Maricela Gutiérrez

Executive Director